Transfer Pricing Compliance with Zanders Transfer Pricing Suite: Royal Philips Case Study

Managing over 80 intercompany loans annually and with a wide geographical scope, Royal Philips faced the challenge of complying with their Transfer Pricing obligations.

Zanders Transfer Pricing Suite is an innovative, cloud-based solution designed for companies looking to automate the Transfer Pricing compliance of financial transactions. With over five years of experience and trusted by more than 60 multinational corporations, the platform is the market-leading solution for financial transactions Transfer Pricing. On March 31, 2023, Zanders and Royal Philips jointly presented the conference "How Philips Automated Its Transfer Pricing Process for Group Financing" at the DACT (Dutch Association of Corporate Treasurers) Treasury Fair 2023.

The publication of Chapter X of Financial Transactions by the OECD, as well as its incorporation into the 2022 OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines, has led to an increased scrutiny by tax authorities. Consequently, transfer pricing for financial transactions, such as intra-group loans, guarantees, cash pools, and in-house banks, has become a critical focus for treasury and tax departments.


As compliance with Transfer Pricing regulations gains greater significance, many companies find that the associated analyses consume excessive time and resources from their in-house tax and treasury departments. Several struggle to automate the end-to-end process, from initiating intercompany loans to determining the arm's length interest, recording the loans in their Treasury Management System (TMS), and storing the Transfer Pricing documentation.

Since 2018, Zanders Transfer Pricing Solution has supported multinational corporations in automating their Transfer Pricing compliance processes for financial transactions.


Managing over 80 intercompany loans annually and with a wide geographical scope, Royal Philips faced the challenge of complying with their Transfer Pricing obligations. During the conference, Joris Van Mierlo, Corporate Finance Manager at Philips, detailed how Royal Philips implemented a fully integrated solution to determine and record the arm's length interest rates applicable to its intra-group loans.

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Bolt chooses treasury efficiency in scale-up of business 

Managing over 80 intercompany loans annually and with a wide geographical scope, Royal Philips faced the challenge of complying with their Transfer Pricing obligations.

Mid 2023, Bolt successfully implemented its new full-fledged treasury management system (TMS). With assistance of Zanders consultants, the mobility company implemented Kyriba – a necessity to support Bolt’s small treasury team. As a result, all daily processes are almost completely automated. “It's about reliability.”

Bolt is the leading European mobility platform that’s focused on more efficient, convenient and sustainable solutions for urban travelling. With more than 150 million customers in at least 45 countries, it offers a range of mobility services including ride-hailing, shared cars and scooters, food and grocery delivery. “Bolt was founded by Markus Villig, a young Estonian guy who quit his school to start this business with €5,000 that he borrowed from his parents,” says Mahmoud Iskandarani, Group Treasurer at Bolt. “He built an app and started to ask drivers on the street to download it and try it out. Now we have millions of drivers and passengers, almost 4,000 employees and several business lines. Last August, we celebrated our 10th anniversary. So, we have one of the fastest growing businesses in Europe. And our ambition is to grow even faster than so far.” 

Driven by technology 

Because of its fast growth, Bolt’s Treasury team decided to look for a scalable solution to cope with the further expansion of the business. Freek van den Engel, Treasury manager at Bolt: “We needed a system that could automate most of our daily processes and add value. Doing things manually is not efficient and risks are high. To help us scale up while maintaining efficiency, we needed our Treasury to be driven by technology.” 

Iskandarani adds: “Meanwhile, our macro environment is changing and we had some bank events. In the past years, startups or scale-ups have seen big growth and didn't focus too much on working capital management. Interest rates were low, which made it easy to raise money from investors. Now, we need to make sure that we manage our working capital the right way so that we can access our money, mitigate risks, and that we get a decent return on our cash. That’s when it's controlled by Treasury and invested correctly.” 

Choosing Kyriba

Van den Engel led a treasury system selection process three years ago for his previous employer, where he also worked together with Iskandarani. “That experience helped us to come up with a shortlist of three providers, instead of having a very long RfP process looking at a long list of vendors. We started the selection process in June 2022 and two months later we chose Kyriba because of its strong functionality. Also, it’s a solution offered as SaaS, which means we don't have to worry about upgrades – a very important reason for us. Kyriba has been working with tech companies similar to ours. Another decisive factor was their format library, called Open Format Studio. It allows us to use self-service when it comes to configuring payment formats, reducing our costs and turn-around time when expanding to new geographies.” 

Implementation partner 

For Bolt, Kyriba will function as in-house bank system, and support its European cash pool. During the selection process, the team had some reference calls with other Kyriba users to discuss experiences with the system and the implementation. “One piece of feedback we received was that it works very well to bring in implementation partners to complete such a project successfully. Zanders stood out, because of its proven track record and the awards it had won. Also, Mahmoud and I both had experience with Zanders during some projects at our previous employer. That’s why we asked them to be our implementation partner.” 

In October 2022, the implementation process started. In July 2023, the system went live. Kyriba’s TMS solution covered all treasury core processes, including cash position reporting (including intra-day balance information), liquidity management, funding, foreign exchange with automatic integration to 360T and Finastra, investments, payment settlements and risk management.  

Trained towards independency 

As part of the implementation process, Zanders trained Bolt on how to use the new tool, and assisted in using the Open Format Studio. In this way, the team built the knowledge and experience needed to roll out to new countries more independently.  

Van den Engel: “We aimed to be independent and do as much as possible ourselves to reduce costs and build up in-house expertise on the system. Zanders helped us figuring out what we wanted, explained and guided us, and showed what the system can do and how to align that with our needs in the best possible way. Once we were clear on the blueprint, they helped us with our static data, connectivity and initial system set-up. After the training they led, we were able to do most of it ourselves, including the actual system configuration work, for which Zanders had laid the foundation.” 

Rolling out the payment hub 

With assistance of Zanders consultants, Bolt also set up a framework to roll out the payment hub, for the vendor payments from its ERP system called Workday and its payroll provider, Immedis. The consultants assisted with configuration of initial payment scenarios and workflows. “We made the connections, tested them and did a pilot with Workday last summer. After training and with the experience that we've built up using Open Format Studio, we can roll out to new countries and expand it ourselves. Starting in August, we continued to roll out Kyriba’s payment hub to more countries, and to implement Payroll. With the payment hub we are now live in 16 countries and that's basically fully self-serviced. Apart from some support for specialized cases, we don’t need support anymore for the payment hub.” 

Many material benefits 

Having a small hands-on project team meant no need for a complex project management organization to be set-up. Naturally Bolt and Zanders started using agile project management, with refocus of priorities to different streams as necessary. The Kyriba implementation project was closed within the set budget in 9 months’ time.  

Iskandarani is happy with the results. “It is clear there are benefits of this implementation when it comes to efficiency and risk management. We now have the visibility over our cash and the fact that we have a system telling us that there’s an exposure that we should get rid of, that has a lot of value. Also, we have some financial benefits that we could not have achieved without the system. Today we can pool our cash better, we can invest it better, and we can handle our foreign exchange in a better way. Before this, we have overpaid banks.” 

Reliability and control 

“We could have hired more people”, Van den Engel adds. “But some things are just very difficult to do without this system. It's also about reliability. Even if you have a manual process in place that works, you will see it breaking down from time to time. If someone deletes a formula, or a macro stops working, that becomes very risky. It’s also about the control environment. As a company we're looking to become more mature and implement controls that should be there – that too is very difficult to do without a proper system that can generate these reports, be properly secured with all the right standards that we need to adhere to, or do fraud detection based on machine learning in the future. It's impossible to do all that manually. Those are material benefits, but hard to quantify.”

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BKR – Towards the optimal registration period of credit registrations

Managing over 80 intercompany loans annually and with a wide geographical scope, Royal Philips faced the challenge of complying with their Transfer Pricing obligations.

In countries worldwide, associations of credit information providers play a crucial role in registering consumer-related credits. They are mandated by regulation, operate under local law and their primary aim is consumer protection. The Dutch Central Credit Registration Agency, Stichting Bureau Krediet Registratie (BKR), has reviewed the validity of the credit registration period, especially with regards to the recurrence of payment problems after the completion of debt restructuring and counseling. Since 2017, Zanders and BKR are cooperating in quantitative research and modeling projects and they joined forces for this specific research.

In the current Dutch public discourse, diverse opinions regarding the retention period after finishing debt settlements exist and discussions have started to reduce the duration of such registrations. In December 2022, the four biggest municipalities in the Netherlands announced their independent initiative to prematurely remove registrations of debt restructuring and/or counseling from BKR six months after finalization. Secondly, on 21 June 2023, the Minister of Finance of the Netherlands published a proposal for a Credit Registration System Act for consultation, including a proposition to shorten the retention period in the credit register from five to three years. This proposition will also apply to credit registrations that have undergone a debt rescheduling.

The Dutch Central Credit Registration Agency, Stichting Bureau Krediet Registratie (BKR) receives and manages credit registrations and payment arrears of individuals in the Netherlands. By law, a lender in the Netherlands must verify whether an applicant already has an existing loan when applying for a new one. Additionally, lenders are obligated to report every loan granted to a credit registration agency, necessitating a connection with BKR. Besides managing credit data, BKR is dedicated to gathering information to prevent problematic debt situations, prevent fraud, and minimize financial risks associated with credit provision. As a non-profit foundation, BKR operates with a focus on keeping the Dutch credit market transparent and available for all.

BKR recognizes that the matter concerning the retention period of registrations for debt restructuring and counseling is fundamentally of societal nature. Many stakeholders are concerned with the current discussions, including municipalities, lenders and policymakers. To foster public debate on this matter, BKR is committed to conducting an objective investigation using credit registration data and literature sources and has thus engaged Zanders for this purpose. By combining expertise in financial credit risk with data analysis, Zanders offers unbiased insights into this issue. These data-driven insights are valuable for BKR, lawmakers, lenders, and municipalities concerning retention periods, payment issues, and debt settlements.

Problem Statement

The Dutch Central Credit Registration Agency, Stichting Bureau Krediet Registratie (BKR) receives and manages credit registrations and payment arrears of individuals in the Netherlands. By law, a lender in the Netherlands must verify whether an applicant already has an existing loan when applying for a new one. Additionally, lenders are obligated to report every loan granted to a credit registration agency, necessitating a connection with BKR. Besides managing credit data, BKR is dedicated to gathering information to prevent problematic debt situations, prevent fraud, and minimize financial risks associated with credit provision. As a non-profit foundation, BKR operates with a focus on keeping the Dutch credit market transparent and available for all.

The research aims to gain a deeper understanding of the recurrence of payment issues following the completion of restructuring credits (recidivism). The information gathered will aid in shaping thoughts about an appropriate retention period for the registration of finished debt settlements. The research includes both qualitative and quantitative investigations. The qualitative aspect involves a literature study, leading to an overview of benchmarking, key findings and conclusions from prior studies on this subject. The quantitative research comprises data analyses on information from BKR's credit register.

External International Qualitative Research

The literature review encompassed several Dutch and international sources that discuss debt settlements, credit registrations, and recidivism. There is limited research published on recidivism, but there are some actual cases where retention period are materially shortened or credit information is deleted to increase access to financial markets for borrowers. Removing information increases information asymmetry, meaning that borrower and lender do not have the same insights limiting lenders to make well-informed decisions during the credit application process. The cases in which the retention period was shortened or negative credit registrations were removed demonstrate significant consequences for both consumers and lenders. Such actions led to higher default rates, reduced credit availability, and increased credit costs, also for private individuals without any prior payment issues.

In the literature it is described that historical credit information serves as predictive variable for payment issues, emphasizing the added value of credit registrations in credit reports, showing that this mitigates the risk of overindebtedness for both borrowers and lenders.

Quantitative Research with Challenges and Solutions

BKR maintains a large data set with information regarding credits, payment issues, and debt settlements. For this research, data from over 2.5 million individuals spanning over 14 years were analyzed. Transforming this vast amount of data into a usable format to understand the payment and credit behavior of individuals posed a challenge.

The historical credit registration data has been assessed to (i) gain deeper insights into the relationship between the length of retention periods after debt restructuring and counseling and new payment issues and (ii) determine whether a shorter retention period after the resolution of payment issues negatively impacts the prevention of new payment issues, thus contributing to debt prevention to a lesser extent.

The premature removal of individuals from the system of BKR presented an additional challenge. Once a person’s information is removed from the system, their future payment behavior can no longer be studied. Additionally, the group subject to premature removal (e.g. six months to a year) after a debt settlement registration constitutes only a small portion of the population, making research on this group challenging. To overcome these challenges, the methodology was adapted to assess the outflow of individuals over time, such that conclusions about this group could still be made.


The research provided BKR with several interesting conclusions. The data supported the literature that there is difference in risk for payment issues between lenders with and without debt settlement history. Literature shows that reducing the retention period increases the access to the financial markets for those finishing a debt restructuring or counseling. It also increases the risk in the financial system due to the increased information asymmetry between lender and borrower, with several real-life occasions with

increased costs and reduced access to lending for all private individuals. The main observation of the quantitative research is that individuals who have completed a debt rescheduling or debt counseling face a higher risk of relapsing into payment issues compared to those without debt restructuring or counseling history. An outline of the research report is available on the website of BKR.

The collaboration between BKR and Zanders has fostered a synergy between BKR's knowledge, data, and commitment to research and Zanders' business experience and quantitative data analytical skills. The research provides an objective view and quantitative and qualitative insights to come to a well informed decision about the optimal registration period for the credit register. It is up to the stakeholders to discuss and decide on the way forward.

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Estee Lauder’s experience with Zanders Transfer Pricing Suite

Managing over 80 intercompany loans annually and with a wide geographical scope, Royal Philips faced the challenge of complying with their Transfer Pricing obligations.

In view of the changed regulatory environment, we wanted to increase control of the entire process. Zanders Transfer Pricing Suite looked as a sustainable tool to automatize the process, while maintaining a robust technical methodology compliant with the OECD TP Guidelines.

Bart Taeymans, Vice President Global Treasury Operations


In an effort to continuously improve and automate its internal processes, the American multinational cosmetics company wanted to leverage technology and further enhance the Transfer Pricing compliance of financial transactions. As a result, it engaged Zanders to use its cloud-based Transfer Pricing Suite.

Estee Lauder has been Zanders’ client for quite some years. “We have been working with Zanders before in some projects and that always worked very well. In this instance too”, says Bart Taeymans, Vice President Global Treasury Operations. “They helped to draft and execute the bank selection RfP and restructure our European banking structure, and supported with the implementation of SAP Inhouse Cash and Bank Communication Management. And recently, they supported us with their Zanders Inside Transfer Pricing Suite.”


New OECD Transfer Pricing guidelines

With the release of Chapter X by the OECD, the company wanted to implement a new process in order to comply with its Transfer Pricing obligations in-house, without depending on external parties, Taeymans explains. “In view of the changed regulatory environment, we wanted to increase control of the entire process. Zanders Transfer Pricing Suite looked as a sustainable tool to automatize the process, while maintaining a robust technical methodology compliant with the OECD TP Guidelines’’.


Sophisticated tool

Treasury Director Marc Vandewaeter: “Zanders’ Transfer Pricing Suite is very sophisticated. In addition, during the onboarding process, Zanders added some additional currencies to the tool that were not there yet for us to cover additional regions. Another important thing for us is that we are able to instantly generate the Transfer Pricing reports – including the supporting documents providing details on the economic analyses.”

Due to the tool’s flexibility, Estee Lauder had a managed transition phase. “It’s challenging to change processes, but the tool supported the transition phase in a controlled manner.”

Having all the information in one tool helps us understanding the approach followed and financial information considered for each case. This is important for us as we need to make sure that we fully understand the details.

Marc Vandewaeter, Treasury Director


Sophisticated tool

Treasury Director Marc Vandewaeter: “Zanders’ Transfer Pricing Suite is very sophisticated. In addition, during the onboarding process, Zanders added some additional currencies to the tool that were not there yet for us to cover additional regions. Another important thing for us is that we are able to instantly generate the Transfer Pricing reports – including the supporting documents providing details on the economic analyses.”

Due to the tool’s flexibility, Estee Lauder had a managed transition phase. “It’s challenging to change processes, but the tool supported the transition phase in a controlled manner.”


Timely implementation

Taeymans: “I think it’s been a great integrated implementation. The team was very supportive, providing clarifications where needed and support when required – all to ensure timely implementation of the new procedure, focused on the start of our new fiscal year.”

Vandewaeter: “The challenge of importing the financial data was that it needed to be implemented in the Zanders Inside tool format, which is required to determine a rating. Luckily all financial data from all our affiliates is already standardized. That makes it easier to reproduce and implement this data. That saves quite a lot of time.”

“The benefit we have is that we are on one SAP instance globally”, adds Taeymans. “That helps us to great extent in retrieving the financial information in a structured manner. So once we had the templates to convert to the information required by Zanders, everything went very well.”

The entire process in one user-friendly platform

Vandewaeter has been intimately involved in working with the tool. “We wanted to make sure that Zanders’ tool would provide a consistent approach for all transactions, in line with what we had done before, and that potential differences in the results could be explained. Having all the information in one tool helps us understanding the approach followed and financial information considered for each case. This is important for us as we need to make sure that we fully understand the details.”

Taeymans: “To have that entire process – from the financial information, credit rating analyses, benchmark rates, to the final reports – featured in one tool is obviously what we’ve been looking for. It’s very important to have it all in one system generating a full report on an entity basis. Of course, you need to know what to enter and what to select. But as a web-based tool it is very user-friendly, easy to navigate and well designed. It is quite easy to extract the pricing for a certain loan. And from an operational point of view, it is also useful to do a simulation and it doesn’t take much time to do that. You need to upload all the financial statements, but it is more dynamic and the pricing update is based on current data. In addition, the support received from Zanders team is very good.”

Zanders Transfer Pricing Suite

Zanders Transfer Pricing Suite is a cloud-based solution for companies seeking to automate the calculation and documentation of intercompany financial transactions. Our platform has been active for over 5 years and is currently used by more than 70 multinational corporations. These corporations rely on our technology and technical expertise to comply with their Transfer Pricing obligations. 

We are committed to continuously improving complex processes for our clients through innovative solutions. If you want to know learn more about our services, please contact your account manager or the Zanders Inside team:

Pim Stohr (

Inigo Arechabaleta (

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How Royal FloraHolland grew a global cash management bank relationship from scratch

Managing over 80 intercompany loans annually and with a wide geographical scope, Royal Philips faced the challenge of complying with their Transfer Pricing obligations.

In view of the changed regulatory environment, we wanted to increase control of the entire process. Zanders Transfer Pricing Suite looked as a sustainable tool to automatize the process, while maintaining a robust technical methodology compliant with the OECD TP Guidelines.

Bart Taeymans, Vice President Global Treasury Operations


In an effort to continuously improve and automate its internal processes, the American multinational cosmetics company wanted to leverage technology and further enhance the Transfer Pricing compliance of financial transactions. As a result, it engaged Zanders to use its cloud-based Transfer Pricing Suite.

Estee Lauder has been Zanders’ client for quite some years. “We have been working with Zanders before in some projects and that always worked very well. In this instance too”, says Bart Taeymans, Vice President Global Treasury Operations. “They helped to draft and execute the bank selection RfP and restructure our European banking structure, and supported with the implementation of SAP Inhouse Cash and Bank Communication Management. And recently, they supported us with their Zanders Inside Transfer Pricing Suite.”


New OECD Transfer Pricing guidelines

With the release of Chapter X by the OECD, the company wanted to implement a new process in order to comply with its Transfer Pricing obligations in-house, without depending on external parties, Taeymans explains. “In view of the changed regulatory environment, we wanted to increase control of the entire process. Zanders Transfer Pricing Suite looked as a sustainable tool to automatize the process, while maintaining a robust technical methodology compliant with the OECD TP Guidelines’’.


Sophisticated tool

Treasury Director Marc Vandewaeter: “Zanders’ Transfer Pricing Suite is very sophisticated. In addition, during the onboarding process, Zanders added some additional currencies to the tool that were not there yet for us to cover additional regions. Another important thing for us is that we are able to instantly generate the Transfer Pricing reports – including the supporting documents providing details on the economic analyses.”

Due to the tool’s flexibility, Estee Lauder had a managed transition phase. “It’s challenging to change processes, but the tool supported the transition phase in a controlled manner.”

Having all the information in one tool helps us understanding the approach followed and financial information considered for each case. This is important for us as we need to make sure that we fully understand the details.

Marc Vandewaeter, Treasury Director


Sophisticated tool

Treasury Director Marc Vandewaeter: “Zanders’ Transfer Pricing Suite is very sophisticated. In addition, during the onboarding process, Zanders added some additional currencies to the tool that were not there yet for us to cover additional regions. Another important thing for us is that we are able to instantly generate the Transfer Pricing reports – including the supporting documents providing details on the economic analyses.”

Due to the tool’s flexibility, Estee Lauder had a managed transition phase. “It’s challenging to change processes, but the tool supported the transition phase in a controlled manner.”


Timely implementation

Taeymans: “I think it’s been a great integrated implementation. The team was very supportive, providing clarifications where needed and support when required – all to ensure timely implementation of the new procedure, focused on the start of our new fiscal year.”

Vandewaeter: “The challenge of importing the financial data was that it needed to be implemented in the Zanders Inside tool format, which is required to determine a rating. Luckily all financial data from all our affiliates is already standardized. That makes it easier to reproduce and implement this data. That saves quite a lot of time.”

“The benefit we have is that we are on one SAP instance globally”, adds Taeymans. “That helps us to great extent in retrieving the financial information in a structured manner. So once we had the templates to convert to the information required by Zanders, everything went very well.”

The entire process in one user-friendly platform

Vandewaeter has been intimately involved in working with the tool. “We wanted to make sure that Zanders’ tool would provide a consistent approach for all transactions, in line with what we had done before, and that potential differences in the results could be explained. Having all the information in one tool helps us understanding the approach followed and financial information considered for each case. This is important for us as we need to make sure that we fully understand the details.”

Taeymans: “To have that entire process – from the financial information, credit rating analyses, benchmark rates, to the final reports – featured in one tool is obviously what we’ve been looking for. It’s very important to have it all in one system generating a full report on an entity basis. Of course, you need to know what to enter and what to select. But as a web-based tool it is very user-friendly, easy to navigate and well designed. It is quite easy to extract the pricing for a certain loan. And from an operational point of view, it is also useful to do a simulation and it doesn’t take much time to do that. You need to upload all the financial statements, but it is more dynamic and the pricing update is based on current data. In addition, the support received from Zanders team is very good.”

Zanders Transfer Pricing Suite

Would you like to hear more about the bank selection process or other treasury-related challenges? Then please contact Michal Zelazko.

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The step back that turned ASICS’ Treasury into a ‘Corpore Sano’

Managing over 80 intercompany loans annually and with a wide geographical scope, Royal Philips faced the challenge of complying with their Transfer Pricing obligations.

In view of the changed regulatory environment, we wanted to increase control of the entire process. Zanders Transfer Pricing Suite looked as a sustainable tool to automatize the process, while maintaining a robust technical methodology compliant with the OECD TP Guidelines.

Bart Taeymans, Vice President Global Treasury Operations


In an effort to continuously improve and automate its internal processes, the American multinational cosmetics company wanted to leverage technology and further enhance the Transfer Pricing compliance of financial transactions. As a result, it engaged Zanders to use its cloud-based Transfer Pricing Suite.

Estee Lauder has been Zanders’ client for quite some years. “We have been working with Zanders before in some projects and that always worked very well. In this instance too”, says Bart Taeymans, Vice President Global Treasury Operations. “They helped to draft and execute the bank selection RfP and restructure our European banking structure, and supported with the implementation of SAP Inhouse Cash and Bank Communication Management. And recently, they supported us with their Zanders Inside Transfer Pricing Suite.”


New OECD Transfer Pricing guidelines

With the release of Chapter X by the OECD, the company wanted to implement a new process in order to comply with its Transfer Pricing obligations in-house, without depending on external parties, Taeymans explains. “In view of the changed regulatory environment, we wanted to increase control of the entire process. Zanders Transfer Pricing Suite looked as a sustainable tool to automatize the process, while maintaining a robust technical methodology compliant with the OECD TP Guidelines’’.


Sophisticated tool

Treasury Director Marc Vandewaeter: “Zanders’ Transfer Pricing Suite is very sophisticated. In addition, during the onboarding process, Zanders added some additional currencies to the tool that were not there yet for us to cover additional regions. Another important thing for us is that we are able to instantly generate the Transfer Pricing reports – including the supporting documents providing details on the economic analyses.”

Due to the tool’s flexibility, Estee Lauder had a managed transition phase. “It’s challenging to change processes, but the tool supported the transition phase in a controlled manner.”

Having all the information in one tool helps us understanding the approach followed and financial information considered for each case. This is important for us as we need to make sure that we fully understand the details.

Marc Vandewaeter, Treasury Director


Sophisticated tool

Treasury Director Marc Vandewaeter: “Zanders’ Transfer Pricing Suite is very sophisticated. In addition, during the onboarding process, Zanders added some additional currencies to the tool that were not there yet for us to cover additional regions. Another important thing for us is that we are able to instantly generate the Transfer Pricing reports – including the supporting documents providing details on the economic analyses.”

Due to the tool’s flexibility, Estee Lauder had a managed transition phase. “It’s challenging to change processes, but the tool supported the transition phase in a controlled manner.”


Timely implementation

Taeymans: “I think it’s been a great integrated implementation. The team was very supportive, providing clarifications where needed and support when required – all to ensure timely implementation of the new procedure, focused on the start of our new fiscal year.”

Vandewaeter: “The challenge of importing the financial data was that it needed to be implemented in the Zanders Inside tool format, which is required to determine a rating. Luckily all financial data from all our affiliates is already standardized. That makes it easier to reproduce and implement this data. That saves quite a lot of time.”

“The benefit we have is that we are on one SAP instance globally”, adds Taeymans. “That helps us to great extent in retrieving the financial information in a structured manner. So once we had the templates to convert to the information required by Zanders, everything went very well.”

The entire process in one user-friendly platform

Vandewaeter has been intimately involved in working with the tool. “We wanted to make sure that Zanders’ tool would provide a consistent approach for all transactions, in line with what we had done before, and that potential differences in the results could be explained. Having all the information in one tool helps us understanding the approach followed and financial information considered for each case. This is important for us as we need to make sure that we fully understand the details.”

Taeymans: “To have that entire process – from the financial information, credit rating analyses, benchmark rates, to the final reports – featured in one tool is obviously what we’ve been looking for. It’s very important to have it all in one system generating a full report on an entity basis. Of course, you need to know what to enter and what to select. But as a web-based tool it is very user-friendly, easy to navigate and well designed. It is quite easy to extract the pricing for a certain loan. And from an operational point of view, it is also useful to do a simulation and it doesn’t take much time to do that. You need to upload all the financial statements, but it is more dynamic and the pricing update is based on current data. In addition, the support received from Zanders team is very good.”

Sony’s Global Treasury Transformation

Managing over 80 intercompany loans annually and with a wide geographical scope, Royal Philips faced the challenge of complying with their Transfer Pricing obligations.

In view of the changed regulatory environment, we wanted to increase control of the entire process. Zanders Transfer Pricing Suite looked as a sustainable tool to automatize the process, while maintaining a robust technical methodology compliant with the OECD TP Guidelines.

Bart Taeymans, Vice President Global Treasury Operations


In an effort to continuously improve and automate its internal processes, the American multinational cosmetics company wanted to leverage technology and further enhance the Transfer Pricing compliance of financial transactions. As a result, it engaged Zanders to use its cloud-based Transfer Pricing Suite.

Estee Lauder has been Zanders’ client for quite some years. “We have been working with Zanders before in some projects and that always worked very well. In this instance too”, says Bart Taeymans, Vice President Global Treasury Operations. “They helped to draft and execute the bank selection RfP and restructure our European banking structure, and supported with the implementation of SAP Inhouse Cash and Bank Communication Management. And recently, they supported us with their Zanders Inside Transfer Pricing Suite.”


New OECD Transfer Pricing guidelines

With the release of Chapter X by the OECD, the company wanted to implement a new process in order to comply with its Transfer Pricing obligations in-house, without depending on external parties, Taeymans explains. “In view of the changed regulatory environment, we wanted to increase control of the entire process. Zanders Transfer Pricing Suite looked as a sustainable tool to automatize the process, while maintaining a robust technical methodology compliant with the OECD TP Guidelines’’.


Sophisticated tool

Treasury Director Marc Vandewaeter: “Zanders’ Transfer Pricing Suite is very sophisticated. In addition, during the onboarding process, Zanders added some additional currencies to the tool that were not there yet for us to cover additional regions. Another important thing for us is that we are able to instantly generate the Transfer Pricing reports – including the supporting documents providing details on the economic analyses.”

Due to the tool’s flexibility, Estee Lauder had a managed transition phase. “It’s challenging to change processes, but the tool supported the transition phase in a controlled manner.”

Having all the information in one tool helps us understanding the approach followed and financial information considered for each case. This is important for us as we need to make sure that we fully understand the details.

Marc Vandewaeter, Treasury Director


Sophisticated tool

Treasury Director Marc Vandewaeter: “Zanders’ Transfer Pricing Suite is very sophisticated. In addition, during the onboarding process, Zanders added some additional currencies to the tool that were not there yet for us to cover additional regions. Another important thing for us is that we are able to instantly generate the Transfer Pricing reports – including the supporting documents providing details on the economic analyses.”

Due to the tool’s flexibility, Estee Lauder had a managed transition phase. “It’s challenging to change processes, but the tool supported the transition phase in a controlled manner.”


Timely implementation

Taeymans: “I think it’s been a great integrated implementation. The team was very supportive, providing clarifications where needed and support when required – all to ensure timely implementation of the new procedure, focused on the start of our new fiscal year.”

Vandewaeter: “The challenge of importing the financial data was that it needed to be implemented in the Zanders Inside tool format, which is required to determine a rating. Luckily all financial data from all our affiliates is already standardized. That makes it easier to reproduce and implement this data. That saves quite a lot of time.”

“The benefit we have is that we are on one SAP instance globally”, adds Taeymans. “That helps us to great extent in retrieving the financial information in a structured manner. So once we had the templates to convert to the information required by Zanders, everything went very well.”

The entire process in one user-friendly platform

Vandewaeter has been intimately involved in working with the tool. “We wanted to make sure that Zanders’ tool would provide a consistent approach for all transactions, in line with what we had done before, and that potential differences in the results could be explained. Having all the information in one tool helps us understanding the approach followed and financial information considered for each case. This is important for us as we need to make sure that we fully understand the details.”

Taeymans: “To have that entire process – from the financial information, credit rating analyses, benchmark rates, to the final reports – featured in one tool is obviously what we’ve been looking for. It’s very important to have it all in one system generating a full report on an entity basis. Of course, you need to know what to enter and what to select. But as a web-based tool it is very user-friendly, easy to navigate and well designed. It is quite easy to extract the pricing for a certain loan. And from an operational point of view, it is also useful to do a simulation and it doesn’t take much time to do that. You need to upload all the financial statements, but it is more dynamic and the pricing update is based on current data. In addition, the support received from Zanders team is very good.”

Next steps

From its new stable treasury basis, Sony's treasury is now ready for further steps for the future. In 2021, the system will be rolled out to Sony Group Corporation in Tokyo.

Mr. Ishiguro lastly adds: “SAP S/4 HANA Treasury proved to be a very good TMS application for us. We would like to promote DX further, with close collaborations across our own Treasury members in each treasury center and our own SAP IT members, taking advantage of our experiences cultivated through METRO Project, in line with the mission of Sony Group Corporation, to ’lead and support the evolution of business through people and technology’."

Kongsberg Automotive’s road map to a transformed treasury

Managing over 80 intercompany loans annually and with a wide geographical scope, Royal Philips faced the challenge of complying with their Transfer Pricing obligations.

In view of the changed regulatory environment, we wanted to increase control of the entire process. Zanders Transfer Pricing Suite looked as a sustainable tool to automatize the process, while maintaining a robust technical methodology compliant with the OECD TP Guidelines.

Bart Taeymans, Vice President Global Treasury Operations


In an effort to continuously improve and automate its internal processes, the American multinational cosmetics company wanted to leverage technology and further enhance the Transfer Pricing compliance of financial transactions. As a result, it engaged Zanders to use its cloud-based Transfer Pricing Suite.

Estee Lauder has been Zanders’ client for quite some years. “We have been working with Zanders before in some projects and that always worked very well. In this instance too”, says Bart Taeymans, Vice President Global Treasury Operations. “They helped to draft and execute the bank selection RfP and restructure our European banking structure, and supported with the implementation of SAP Inhouse Cash and Bank Communication Management. And recently, they supported us with their Zanders Inside Transfer Pricing Suite.”


New OECD Transfer Pricing guidelines

With the release of Chapter X by the OECD, the company wanted to implement a new process in order to comply with its Transfer Pricing obligations in-house, without depending on external parties, Taeymans explains. “In view of the changed regulatory environment, we wanted to increase control of the entire process. Zanders Transfer Pricing Suite looked as a sustainable tool to automatize the process, while maintaining a robust technical methodology compliant with the OECD TP Guidelines’’.


Sophisticated tool

Treasury Director Marc Vandewaeter: “Zanders’ Transfer Pricing Suite is very sophisticated. In addition, during the onboarding process, Zanders added some additional currencies to the tool that were not there yet for us to cover additional regions. Another important thing for us is that we are able to instantly generate the Transfer Pricing reports – including the supporting documents providing details on the economic analyses.”

Due to the tool’s flexibility, Estee Lauder had a managed transition phase. “It’s challenging to change processes, but the tool supported the transition phase in a controlled manner.”

Having all the information in one tool helps us understanding the approach followed and financial information considered for each case. This is important for us as we need to make sure that we fully understand the details.

Marc Vandewaeter, Treasury Director


Sophisticated tool

Treasury Director Marc Vandewaeter: “Zanders’ Transfer Pricing Suite is very sophisticated. In addition, during the onboarding process, Zanders added some additional currencies to the tool that were not there yet for us to cover additional regions. Another important thing for us is that we are able to instantly generate the Transfer Pricing reports – including the supporting documents providing details on the economic analyses.”

Due to the tool’s flexibility, Estee Lauder had a managed transition phase. “It’s challenging to change processes, but the tool supported the transition phase in a controlled manner.”


Timely implementation

Taeymans: “I think it’s been a great integrated implementation. The team was very supportive, providing clarifications where needed and support when required – all to ensure timely implementation of the new procedure, focused on the start of our new fiscal year.”

Vandewaeter: “The challenge of importing the financial data was that it needed to be implemented in the Zanders Inside tool format, which is required to determine a rating. Luckily all financial data from all our affiliates is already standardized. That makes it easier to reproduce and implement this data. That saves quite a lot of time.”

“The benefit we have is that we are on one SAP instance globally”, adds Taeymans. “That helps us to great extent in retrieving the financial information in a structured manner. So once we had the templates to convert to the information required by Zanders, everything went very well.”

The entire process in one user-friendly platform

Vandewaeter has been intimately involved in working with the tool. “We wanted to make sure that Zanders’ tool would provide a consistent approach for all transactions, in line with what we had done before, and that potential differences in the results could be explained. Having all the information in one tool helps us understanding the approach followed and financial information considered for each case. This is important for us as we need to make sure that we fully understand the details.”

Taeymans: “To have that entire process – from the financial information, credit rating analyses, benchmark rates, to the final reports – featured in one tool is obviously what we’ve been looking for. It’s very important to have it all in one system generating a full report on an entity basis. Of course, you need to know what to enter and what to select. But as a web-based tool it is very user-friendly, easy to navigate and well designed. It is quite easy to extract the pricing for a certain loan. And from an operational point of view, it is also useful to do a simulation and it doesn’t take much time to do that. You need to upload all the financial statements, but it is more dynamic and the pricing update is based on current data. In addition, the support received from Zanders team is very good.”

Adam Smith Award

This year, during the annual Adam Smith Award contest (organized by Treasury Today), Kongsberg Automotive Group AG won an award for the Best FinTech Solution. As a response to the increased need for a reliable, consistent and efficient framework to determine arm’s length interest rates on intercompany transactions, the company implemented an advanced but easy-to-use web-based Transfer Pricing Solution. This solution is offered by Zanders Inside, a cloud-based platform that provides clients with unique tools, knowledge and education in the areas of treasury, risk and finance.

Sulzer’s new market data platform

Managing over 80 intercompany loans annually and with a wide geographical scope, Royal Philips faced the challenge of complying with their Transfer Pricing obligations.

In view of the changed regulatory environment, we wanted to increase control of the entire process. Zanders Transfer Pricing Suite looked as a sustainable tool to automatize the process, while maintaining a robust technical methodology compliant with the OECD TP Guidelines.

Bart Taeymans, Vice President Global Treasury Operations


In an effort to continuously improve and automate its internal processes, the American multinational cosmetics company wanted to leverage technology and further enhance the Transfer Pricing compliance of financial transactions. As a result, it engaged Zanders to use its cloud-based Transfer Pricing Suite.

Estee Lauder has been Zanders’ client for quite some years. “We have been working with Zanders before in some projects and that always worked very well. In this instance too”, says Bart Taeymans, Vice President Global Treasury Operations. “They helped to draft and execute the bank selection RfP and restructure our European banking structure, and supported with the implementation of SAP Inhouse Cash and Bank Communication Management. And recently, they supported us with their Zanders Inside Transfer Pricing Suite.”


New OECD Transfer Pricing guidelines

With the release of Chapter X by the OECD, the company wanted to implement a new process in order to comply with its Transfer Pricing obligations in-house, without depending on external parties, Taeymans explains. “In view of the changed regulatory environment, we wanted to increase control of the entire process. Zanders Transfer Pricing Suite looked as a sustainable tool to automatize the process, while maintaining a robust technical methodology compliant with the OECD TP Guidelines’’.


Sophisticated tool

Treasury Director Marc Vandewaeter: “Zanders’ Transfer Pricing Suite is very sophisticated. In addition, during the onboarding process, Zanders added some additional currencies to the tool that were not there yet for us to cover additional regions. Another important thing for us is that we are able to instantly generate the Transfer Pricing reports – including the supporting documents providing details on the economic analyses.”

Due to the tool’s flexibility, Estee Lauder had a managed transition phase. “It’s challenging to change processes, but the tool supported the transition phase in a controlled manner.”

Having all the information in one tool helps us understanding the approach followed and financial information considered for each case. This is important for us as we need to make sure that we fully understand the details.

Marc Vandewaeter, Treasury Director


Sophisticated tool

Treasury Director Marc Vandewaeter: “Zanders’ Transfer Pricing Suite is very sophisticated. In addition, during the onboarding process, Zanders added some additional currencies to the tool that were not there yet for us to cover additional regions. Another important thing for us is that we are able to instantly generate the Transfer Pricing reports – including the supporting documents providing details on the economic analyses.”

Due to the tool’s flexibility, Estee Lauder had a managed transition phase. “It’s challenging to change processes, but the tool supported the transition phase in a controlled manner.”


Timely implementation

Taeymans: “I think it’s been a great integrated implementation. The team was very supportive, providing clarifications where needed and support when required – all to ensure timely implementation of the new procedure, focused on the start of our new fiscal year.”

Vandewaeter: “The challenge of importing the financial data was that it needed to be implemented in the Zanders Inside tool format, which is required to determine a rating. Luckily all financial data from all our affiliates is already standardized. That makes it easier to reproduce and implement this data. That saves quite a lot of time.”

“The benefit we have is that we are on one SAP instance globally”, adds Taeymans. “That helps us to great extent in retrieving the financial information in a structured manner. So once we had the templates to convert to the information required by Zanders, everything went very well.”

The entire process in one user-friendly platform

Vandewaeter has been intimately involved in working with the tool. “We wanted to make sure that Zanders’ tool would provide a consistent approach for all transactions, in line with what we had done before, and that potential differences in the results could be explained. Having all the information in one tool helps us understanding the approach followed and financial information considered for each case. This is important for us as we need to make sure that we fully understand the details.”

Taeymans: “To have that entire process – from the financial information, credit rating analyses, benchmark rates, to the final reports – featured in one tool is obviously what we’ve been looking for. It’s very important to have it all in one system generating a full report on an entity basis. Of course, you need to know what to enter and what to select. But as a web-based tool it is very user-friendly, easy to navigate and well designed. It is quite easy to extract the pricing for a certain loan. And from an operational point of view, it is also useful to do a simulation and it doesn’t take much time to do that. You need to upload all the financial statements, but it is more dynamic and the pricing update is based on current data. In addition, the support received from Zanders team is very good.”

Zanders and Sulzer

Zanders and Sulzer started their cooperation in 2008 with a full treasury scan, a cash management blueprint and a full review of the treasury operations. Zanders consultant Bart Timmerman explains: “We then did a fit-gap analysis and later implemented a new TMS solution, which resulted in the selection of IT2, and the restructuring of Sulzer’s banking landscape. Also, we did some IT2 upgrade projects and extended the users of the solution to various regions. In 2017, we also did a treasury transformation project.”

Would you like to know more about the Zanders Market Data Platform or other cloud-based solutions? Then contact Bart Timmerman or Joanne Koopman via +31 35 692 89 89.

How Takeda centralized its payments

Managing over 80 intercompany loans annually and with a wide geographical scope, Royal Philips faced the challenge of complying with their Transfer Pricing obligations.

In view of the changed regulatory environment, we wanted to increase control of the entire process. Zanders Transfer Pricing Suite looked as a sustainable tool to automatize the process, while maintaining a robust technical methodology compliant with the OECD TP Guidelines.

Bart Taeymans, Vice President Global Treasury Operations


In an effort to continuously improve and automate its internal processes, the American multinational cosmetics company wanted to leverage technology and further enhance the Transfer Pricing compliance of financial transactions. As a result, it engaged Zanders to use its cloud-based Transfer Pricing Suite.

Estee Lauder has been Zanders’ client for quite some years. “We have been working with Zanders before in some projects and that always worked very well. In this instance too”, says Bart Taeymans, Vice President Global Treasury Operations. “They helped to draft and execute the bank selection RfP and restructure our European banking structure, and supported with the implementation of SAP Inhouse Cash and Bank Communication Management. And recently, they supported us with their Zanders Inside Transfer Pricing Suite.”


New OECD Transfer Pricing guidelines

With the release of Chapter X by the OECD, the company wanted to implement a new process in order to comply with its Transfer Pricing obligations in-house, without depending on external parties, Taeymans explains. “In view of the changed regulatory environment, we wanted to increase control of the entire process. Zanders Transfer Pricing Suite looked as a sustainable tool to automatize the process, while maintaining a robust technical methodology compliant with the OECD TP Guidelines’’.


Sophisticated tool

Treasury Director Marc Vandewaeter: “Zanders’ Transfer Pricing Suite is very sophisticated. In addition, during the onboarding process, Zanders added some additional currencies to the tool that were not there yet for us to cover additional regions. Another important thing for us is that we are able to instantly generate the Transfer Pricing reports – including the supporting documents providing details on the economic analyses.”

Due to the tool’s flexibility, Estee Lauder had a managed transition phase. “It’s challenging to change processes, but the tool supported the transition phase in a controlled manner.”

Having all the information in one tool helps us understanding the approach followed and financial information considered for each case. This is important for us as we need to make sure that we fully understand the details.

Marc Vandewaeter, Treasury Director


Sophisticated tool

Treasury Director Marc Vandewaeter: “Zanders’ Transfer Pricing Suite is very sophisticated. In addition, during the onboarding process, Zanders added some additional currencies to the tool that were not there yet for us to cover additional regions. Another important thing for us is that we are able to instantly generate the Transfer Pricing reports – including the supporting documents providing details on the economic analyses.”

Due to the tool’s flexibility, Estee Lauder had a managed transition phase. “It’s challenging to change processes, but the tool supported the transition phase in a controlled manner.”


Timely implementation

Taeymans: “I think it’s been a great integrated implementation. The team was very supportive, providing clarifications where needed and support when required – all to ensure timely implementation of the new procedure, focused on the start of our new fiscal year.”

Vandewaeter: “The challenge of importing the financial data was that it needed to be implemented in the Zanders Inside tool format, which is required to determine a rating. Luckily all financial data from all our affiliates is already standardized. That makes it easier to reproduce and implement this data. That saves quite a lot of time.”

“The benefit we have is that we are on one SAP instance globally”, adds Taeymans. “That helps us to great extent in retrieving the financial information in a structured manner. So once we had the templates to convert to the information required by Zanders, everything went very well.”

The entire process in one user-friendly platform

Vandewaeter has been intimately involved in working with the tool. “We wanted to make sure that Zanders’ tool would provide a consistent approach for all transactions, in line with what we had done before, and that potential differences in the results could be explained. Having all the information in one tool helps us understanding the approach followed and financial information considered for each case. This is important for us as we need to make sure that we fully understand the details.”

Taeymans: “To have that entire process – from the financial information, credit rating analyses, benchmark rates, to the final reports – featured in one tool is obviously what we’ve been looking for. It’s very important to have it all in one system generating a full report on an entity basis. Of course, you need to know what to enter and what to select. But as a web-based tool it is very user-friendly, easy to navigate and well designed. It is quite easy to extract the pricing for a certain loan. And from an operational point of view, it is also useful to do a simulation and it doesn’t take much time to do that. You need to upload all the financial statements, but it is more dynamic and the pricing update is based on current data. In addition, the support received from Zanders team is very good.”

Contact Us

If you have any inquiries or would like more information about the global implementation of a new treasury system, please don't hesitate to contact Olga Polozhenko at +44 20 7730 2510

Additionally, if you're interested in learning more about treasury, payments and cash management in Japan, please reach out to our Japanese team via +81 3 6892 3047. We're here to assist and answer any questions you may have.

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