

The world around us is changing rapidly. With the energy transition, healthcare, education, pensions, integration, labor participation, data, and privacy, our country faces many societal challenges. Financing these challenges is a crucial issue, where the use of funds, often publicly initiated and financed, provides part of the answer.

With a high-quality comprehensive solution, Zanders relieves funds that have been established to pursue societal goals. We provide support in the setup, implementation, impact measurement, evaluation, and all specific components that are applicable. Where necessary, we utilize the knowledge and expertise of our business partners.

We provide a total solution for fund management and its execution. We relieve your fund in areas including:

  • Management and execution: The daily management of the fund by providing a fund manager.
  • Structure: Setting up the (legal) structure of the fund, business case, and fund documentation.
  • Setup: Establishing and rolling out governance, reporting, and systems for the benefit of funds.

Our expertise

Fund management ​

With a team of operational experts and specialists, we provide our clients with the desired continuity in carrying out fund tasks in the areas of: 

  • Fund Management
  • Treasury Management
  • Risk Management
  • Control
  • Governance
  • Compliance


Zanders is an expert in quantifying and managing various types of (financial) risks for funds. We can assist with the independent assessment of policies, procedures, and measures to identify and mitigate fund-related risks. In this regard, we provide support in:

  • Risk identification
  • Formulating a risk strategy
  • Establishing a risk framework
  • Managing and mitigating risks


We assist you in formulating policy and setting up a treasury organization. We do this in the following areas:

  • Treasury organization and policy: This involves the structure, staffing, procedures, and systems of the treasury function, forming the basis for executing sound treasury policy.
  • Treasury support: Continuous support for your treasury operations at a professional level, in line with the latest developments and regulations.
  • Working capital management: Ongoing support in managing external cash flows and liquidity position, optimizing your working capital.


For effective management of a fund, good governance is essential. This involves ensuring the coherence between directing, controlling, accounting, and supervision. With extensive expertise in setting up and implementing funds, we advise and support your organization in the four governance subprocesses:

  • Directing: Contractually establishing agreements on budgets, performances, and reports, coordinating and recording tasks, responsibilities, and authorities.
  • Controlling: Establishing treasury/investment statutes, setting up risk management, and carrying out treasury and risk management reports.
  • Accounting: Providing input for management reports and annual reports, supporting internal and external audit processes.
  • Supervision: Stakeholder management, ensuring compliance with laws and regulations


To optimize processes within funds, Zanders Inside offers specific tools.

  • TREASURYnxt: cash flows, budgeting, loans, and derivatives (more information).
  • Risk management tool: measuring and managing risk in the portfolio.
  • Rating tool: provides insight into the risk profile of counterparties based on financial information and qualitative input.
  • Loan pricing: determination of market-conforming prices for loans and guarantees.


The money and capital market offers diverse opportunities for raising financing. As an independent advisor, we guide your oganisation in making choices and support you throughout the entire financing trajectory. In this process, we consider the core of the business case, the deployed strategy, and the internal and external requirements set for financing. To make capital available to your fund, we use an approach that consists of four phases, namely:

  • The business case phase
  • The exploration and analysis phase
  • The term sheet phase
  • The documentation phase

Managed service – Governance

Setting up proper internal governance extends from the organizational structure to the way internal accounting is set up.

Zanders offers both substantive knowledge and experience in setting up governance structures in practice. Zanders helps funds develop robust policies and procedures that fit the specific needs of the organization. We have a deep understanding of best practices and help develop and implement effective governance. Good governance design is an important prerequisite for transparency and accountability.

Managed service – Treasury

By using treasury as a managed service, you know that Treasury is in professional hands.

This mitigates risks, saves costs and allows the Treasury function to operate as efficiently as possible. Zanders has the knowledge and expertise to provide insight into the (interest rate) risks of your loans and derivatives portfolio and to restructure them if necessary.  In addition, we take on the complete management, for which our specialized tooling can be used if necessary. Our dedicated support allows directors to fully concentrate on their strategies without having to worry about the operation.

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