Case Study

Charting Treasury Horizons: Zanders’ Treasury Benchmark Scan Paves the Path for NGO’s Future

Embarking on a transformative journey to strengthen its treasury function, an international non-governmental organization turned to Zanders for guidance to elevate its operations to the highest industry standards.

A force for change

The NGO sector today is facing a multitude of conflicting pressures. Growing humanitarian need has heightened the pressure on these organizations to change the world, but a constantly shifting landscape means they also need to radically change themselves in order to remain compliant and able to manage their financial operations effectively.

In mid-2022, a prominent NGO appointed Zanders to conduct a comprehensive review and benchmarking of its treasury function. Operating in more than 80 countries, the NGO’s treasury team of 30 dedicated professionals managed a diverse array of banking relationships and accounts. Finely tuned treasury processes and systems are critical to managing such a sprawling financial ecosystem, and the team was aware they needed a more innovative response to their sector’s ever-evolving treasury landscape.

Despite implementing a Treasury Management System (TMS) two years previously, the team was still relying on a large number of manual processes. Recognizing the imperative of automating more of its treasury operations, they asked Zanders to conduct an in-depth assessment to evaluate their performance, benchmark it against industry best practices and to identify areas for improvement.

Clarifying the current state

The primary objectives of the project were manifold: to evaluate the existing setup, identify potential financial and operational risks, define improvement opportunities, design a roadmap, and ultimately, deliver tangible value to the treasury team. Achieving these goals relied on first gaining the clarity provided by a thorough benchmarking exercise.

Leveraging its proprietary Treasury and Risk Maturity Model, Zanders performed a deep dive into the organization’s treasury function. By considering and scoring all treasury activities as well as the teams, controls and technologies involved in delivering them, the team modeled the ‘as-is’ situation in a highly structured and meaningful way. When measured against market best practices, this provided a sector-calibrated benchmark from which areas for improvement were identified. The outcomes of this exercise allowed Zanders to develop new targets for the NGO’s treasury function that were then used to design a framework for the future.

A new treasury roadmap

Using Zanders’ Treasury and Risk Maturity Model, the NGO's treasury function was classified as ‘Developing’. This highlighted a number of areas where there was an opportunity to make improvements that would facilitate their advancement towards an ‘Enhancing’ level of treasury maturity. Zanders then collaborated closely with the organization to devise a comprehensive roadmap. This outlined actionable steps designed to elevate performance in the key areas identified and also prescribed follow-up initiatives to provide a structure for their implementation.

This triggered the launch of a series of strategic initiatives aimed at strengthening the NGO’s treasury capabilities. For example, a thorough fit-gap analysis of the existing TMS was undertaken as well as a deep dive into the treasury function’s organizational design. This led to targeted enhancements and optimization measures designed to increase efficiency and resilience within the treasury organization. Central to this endeavor was the prioritization of automating manual processes and streamlining accounting procedures.

From functional to future-ready

By leveraging Zanders' expertise and adopting a proactive approach to treasury management, the NGO has positioned itself on a trajectory of sustained growth and operational excellence. Armed with a strategic roadmap and fortified by targeted improvements, the NGO’s treasury team is not only prepared to navigate the complexities of the global financial landscape with confidence and agility but also fully equipped to transition from a cost-focused to a value-added role. For more information, visit our NGOs & Charities page here, or contact the author of this case study, Joanne Koopman.

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