Virtual Account Concepts

August 2020
7 min read

How can virtual accounts help your Treasury and how can they be implemented in SAP?

There are many concepts in which a virtual account can be deployed. In this second article on ‘How to setup virtual accounts in SAP’, we depict the concept that can be implemented in SAP the easiest without needing specialized modules like SAP Inhouse cash; all can be supported in the SAP FI-CO module.

In the process, we rely on a simple set of building blocks:

  • GL accounts to manage positions between the OpCo’s and Treasury and GL accounts to manage the external cash balance.
  • Receipt and processing of external bank statements.
  • On the external bank statement for the Master Account, an identifier needs to be available that conveys to which virtual account the actual collection was originally credited. This identifier ultimately tells us to which OpCo these funds originally belongs to.

How to implement virtual accounts in SAP

This part assumes that the basic FI-CO settings for i.e. the company code and such are already in place.

Master Data – General Ledger Accounts

Two sets of GL accounts need to be created: balance sheet accounts for the representation of the intercompany positions and the GL account to represent the cash position with the external bank.

These GL accounts need to be assigned to the appropriate company codes and can now be used to in the bank statement import process.

Transaction code FS00

House bank maintenance bank account maintenance

In order to be able to process bank statements and generate GL postings in your SAP system, we need to maintain the house bank data first. A house bank entry comprises of the following information that needs to be maintained carefully:

  1. The house bank identifier: a 5-digit label that clearly identifies the bank branch
  2. Bank country: The ISO country code where the bank branch is located.
  3. Bank key: The bank key is a separate bank identifier that contains information like SWIFT BIC, local routing code and address related data of your house bank

Transaction code FI12

Secondly, under the house bank entry, the bank accounts can be created.

  1. The account identifier: a 5-digit label that clearly identifies the bank account
  2. Bank account number and IBAN: This represents the bank account number as assigned to you by the bank.
  3. Currency: the currency of the bank account
  4. G/L Account: the general ledger account that is going to be used to represent the balance sheet position on this bank account.

Transaction code FI12 in SAP ECC or NWBC in S/4 HANA

The idea here is that we maintain one house bank and bank account in the treasury company code that represents the Master account as held with your house bank. This house bank will have the G/L account assigned to it that represents the house banks external cash position.

In each of the OpCo’s company codes, we maintain one house bank and bank account that represents each of the “virtual” bank accounts as held with your house bank. This house bank will have the G/L account assigned to it that represents the intercompany position with the treasury entity.

Electronic Bank Statement settings

The Electronic Bank Statement (EBS) settings will ensure that, based on the information present on the bank statement, SAP is capable of posting the items into the general or sub ledgers according to the requirements. There are a few steps in the configuration process that are important for this to work:

  1. Posting rule construction
    Posting rules construction starts with setting up Account symbols and assigning GL accounts to it. The idea here is to define at least three account symbols to represent the external Cash position (BANK), the IC position with OpCo1 (OPCO1) and thirdly the IC position with OpCo2 (OPCO2). A separate account symbol for customers is not required in SAP.
    For the account symbol for BANK we do not assign a GL account number directly in the settings; instead we will assign a so-called mask by entering the value “+++++++++”. What this does in SAP is for every time the posting rule attempts to post to “BANK”, the GL account as assigned in the house bank account settings is used (FI12 or NWBC setting above).
    For the account symbol OPCO1 and OPCO2 we can assign a dedicated balance sheet GL that represents the IC position with those OpCo’s. These GL accounts have already been created in the first step (FS00).
    Now we have the account symbols prepared, we can start tying together these symbols into posting rules. We need to create 3 posting rules.
    Posting rule 1 is going to debit the BANK symbol and it is going to credit OPCO1 symbol.
    Posting rule 2 is going to debit the BANK symbol and it is going to credit OPCO2 symbol.
    Posting rule 3 is going to debit the BANK symbol and it is going to credit a BLANK symbol. The posting type however is going the be set to value 8 “Clear Credit Subledger Account”. What this setting is going to attempt is that it will try to clear out any open item sitting in the customer sub-ledger using “Algorithms”. More on algorithms a bit later.
    As you can imagine, posting rules 1 and 2 are applicable for the treasury entity. Posting rule 3 is going to be used in the OpCo’s EBS process.
    Transaction code OT83
  2. Posting rule assignment
    In the next step we can assign the posting rules to the so-called “Bank Transaction Codes” (or BTC’s like i.e NTRF) that are typically observed in the body of the bank statements to identify the nature of the transactions.
    To understand under which Bank Transaction Code these collections are reported on the statement, you typically need to carefully analyze some sample statement output or check with your banks implementation team for feedback.
    Important to note here is to assign an algorithm to posting rule 3. This algorithm will attempt to search the payment notes of the bank statement for “Reference Numbers” which it can use to trace back the original customer invoice open item. Once SAP has identified the correct outstanding invoice, it can actually clear this one off and identify it as being paid.
    Transaction code OT83
  3. Bank account assignment
    In the last part we can then assign the posting rules assignments to the bank accounts. This way we can differentiate different rule assignments for different accounts if that is needed.
    Transaction code OT83
  4. Search Strings
    If the posting rule assignment needs more granularity than the level provided in step 2 above here (on BTC level), we can setup search strings. Search strings can be configured to look at the payment notes section of the bank statement and find certain fixed text or patterns of text. Based on such search strings we can then modify the posting behavior by for instance overruling the posting rule assignment as defined in step 2.
    Whether this is required depends on the level of information that is provided by the bank in the bank statements.
    Transaction code OTPM

Importing and processing bank statements

We should now be in good shape to import our first statements. We could download them from our electronic banking platform. We could also be in a situation where we already receive them through some automated H2H interface or even through SWIFT. In any case, the statements need to be imported in SAP. This can be achieved through transaction code FF.5. The most important parameters to understand here are the following:

  1. File parameters: Here we define the filename and storage path where our statement is saved. We also need to define what format this file is going to be, i.e. MT940, CAMT.053 or one of the many other supported formats
  2. Posting Parameters: Here we can define if the line items on the bank statements are going to be posted to general or sub-ledger.
  3. Algorithms: Here we need to set the range of customer invoice reference number (XBLNR) for the EBS Algorithm to search the payment notes for any such occurrence in a focused manner. If we would leave these fields empty, the algorithm will not work properly and will not find any open invoice for automatic clearing.

Once these parameters are maintained in the import variant, the system will start to load the statements and generate the required postings.

Transaction code FF.5

Closing remarks

Other concepts could be where a payment factory is already implemented using i.e. SAP IHC and the customers wants to seek additional benefits by using the virtual account functionality of its bank.

This is the second part of a series on how to set up virtual accounts in SAP. Click here to read the first part. A next part, including more complex concepts, will be published soon.

For questions please contact Ivo Postma.

A streamlined way to deliver your digital treasury strategy

July 2020
7 min read

How can virtual accounts help your Treasury and how can they be implemented in SAP?

The importance and benefits of delivering a digital strategy for treasury operations are well understood. For many organizations, however, there is a significant barrier that may prevent them from being able to successfully implement. In this article, we discuss how to overcome that barrier, resulting in an accelerated process to achieve a true smart treasury function at lower overall cost.

As discussed in the recent joint-whitepaper from Zanders and Citi on the future of corporate treasury, both corporations and financial institutions should be focusing their attention on developing a digital treasury strategy. This is being driven by the increasing pace of regulatory change, continuously evolving business models, volatile economic conditions, fast-growing technological developments and the benefits of a strategically focused ‘smart treasury’ – one that utilizes the latest technology to be more integrated, automated and optimized, adding value to the business.

Although the benefits of going digital are well recognized at a company level, they are not at the treasury level – while two-thirds of respondents to a digital preparedness survey indicated their organizations are already engaged and experimenting with digital solutions, only 14% had a digital strategy in treasury.

Strategy void

We know the levels of adoption of a digital treasury strategy vary greatly between organizations – at the top end of the scale, a number of trailblazers have already developed theirs and are actively implementing, firmly on their way to achieving the smart treasury vision. These are normally financial institutions and large multinationals who utilize in-house technology teams containing a pool of resources dedicated to treasury technology and digital transformation. They may also have ample means to utilize external advisors to deliver on their behalf.

A void exists, however, comprised either of corporates that are yet to transform from traditional MS Excel-based methods to an ‘efficient treasury’ function, or those that have already traversed the transformation pathway but are unable to progress further to ‘smart’.

For those yet to progress to an ‘efficient’ function and realize the benefits of centralization, standardization and automation, getting the basics right is the first hurdle to overcome before digital transformation can be considered. To do this, they should look to select and implement a treasury management system (TMS) and, where appropriate, run a fully operational in-house bank and payment factory. However, in this scenario, the size and scale of their business makes it unlikely that in-house teams with the requisite knowledge and skills to do this exist, and the cost of external advisory projects can be prohibitive. Their barrier is one of having the right structure and resources in place.

For those that have already traversed the treasury transformation pathway and are experiencing the benefits of their new ‘efficient treasury’ function, such as improved cash management, reduced transaction costs, standardized processes and increasingly effective risk management, ‘smart treasury’ is the natural next step. But they also face similar significant barriers in developing and implementing their digital treasury strategy to those struggling to progress to ‘efficient’ – the lack of in-house teams and no budget for advisory projects. Once again, the issue of structure and resources is the barrier.

Progressing through efficient to smart

In our discussion of the aforementioned joint-whitepaper, Ron Chakravarti, Citi’s Global Head of Treasury Advisory, commented: “Today, more than ever, the treasury function needs to include people who are technologically savvy. People who are able to comprehend what is changing and how to best deploy technology… Treasury teams recognize that they need to have a digital strategy, but many of them are not fully equipped to define one.”

Looking more closely at the current team structure of corporates that struggle to achieve their efficient or smart aspirations, it is clear they either have difficulty in finding technologically savvy people, or this requirement is simply being overlooked. The ways that organizations try to respond to the resourcing challenge varies. Some choose to divide the role among existing team members, others merge the requirements into an existing role, and in some cases a dedicated treasury systems manager role is created.

However, none of these solutions are optimal, as to effectively deliver digital change the following niche set of ‘digital treasury’ skills are required:

  1. Intricate knowledge of the business coupled with detailed working and technical knowledge of their treasury operations and a strong understanding of corporate treasury principles in general.
  2. Well versed in the latest technologies on offer, and any future technology in the pipeline, that could be effectively utilized by the organization based on their current and future needs.
  3. Practical experience of implementing and integrating a variety of new digital technologies, combined with strong general IT skills and awareness.

Finding the right resource in a niche market is a challenging one and finding a solution to overcome this becomes critical to moving forwards. We propose a way to remove this barrier and deliver a digital treasury strategy in a lean and cost-effective way, while opening the door to a multitude of further opportunities and benefits for your new ‘smart treasury’ function.

An alternative way to manage your treasury systems

The creation of a dedicated treasury systems manager role appears to be the best of the current solutions to the resourcing barrier, but in practice this is a difficult role to fill due to a trade-off between cost and experience. How can organizations find a senior resource not only with strong experience and understanding of treasury, but with excellent knowledge of the latest treasury technology trends, experience implementing them, and a network of other financial technology professionals on call to resolve issues and propose new ways of working?

One solution may be to form a treasury technology partnership with a third-party, who will assume all day-to-day treasury systems management tasks while defining and delivering the digital treasury strategy. This suggestion is not the costly advisory solution previously mentioned that can be prohibitive for corporates struggling to transform. Contrary to expectations, there are savings to be made and other significant benefits to be enjoyed when a treasury technology partnership is compared to employing a dedicated treasury systems manager.

Treasury technology partnership benefits

Cost reduction – your partner will be able to perform the day-to-day treasury systems management service at lower cost than an in-house treasury systems manager. This is because it can be delivered by a pool of dedicated systems admin staff, allowing the benefits from economies of scale to be realized. The quality of service would also improve based on the collective knowledge of the partner, who will also be managing the same systems for other clients.

Accelerated strategy – your partner will be uniquely placed to define and deliver your digital strategy quicker than can be achieved by the treasury team or a stand-alone systems manager. They would be able to achieve this by applying extensive company-specific knowledge gained during the partnership, along with their awareness and experience of the latest technology. They will already have solutions for common treasury issues and will be supported by their in-house team of treasury technology professionals.

Additionally, the accelerated strategy could be delivered at a lower cost than any discrete transformation advisory project, as the technology partner would benefit from already having a strong understanding of your business’s strategic and technical requirements. Time spent on scoping would be vastly reduced.

Ad-hoc – for similar reasons to the accelerated strategy, the treasury technology partner would also be able to deliver ad-hoc projects at a much more reasonable cost than engaging in an advisory project. Tasks such as systems selections, technical changes required by regulatory changes, market reform or adjustments in generally accepted best practice, could be delivered swiftly as the technology partner would already be experienced in delivering these for other customers, while also being aware of your specific technical requirements.

Exponential technology – the use of a treasury technology partner will open up the possibility of always being able to deploy the latest technology. For example, Zanders are already experienced in delivering technological improvements utilizing robotic process automation (RPA), machine learning (ML), artificial intelligence (AI), external and internal APIs, custom applications/middleware, and a multitude of other exponential technologies. The technology partner will already be experienced in the design, implementation and use of these with their other clients, and will bring significant experience in how to deliver these, in conjunction with their understanding of your organization’s strategic and technical requirements.


Zanders has a wealth of experience in this field with numerous awards and recognitions for our technological solutions, and already performs similar services for several organizations. Entering into a Zanders Treasury Technology Partnership to deliver your first steps to an efficient treasury, perform day-to-day systems admin tasks, and develop and implement the digital treasury strategy, is an ideal solution for those corporates lacking the appropriate resources to move from ‘efficient’ to ‘smart’.

Moreover, it gives an organization access to a pool of treasury professionals at all levels of seniority, to continuously benefit from their collective experience and skills. This expertise is available at a lower cost than the alternative of employing an in-house treasury systems manager or engaging in advisory projects. For cases where the current systems admin tasks are merged into one or several existing roles, it will allow core treasury team members to focus on treasury management by removing the burden of systems management placed upon them, while also improving the quality of the systems management service.

Finally, it opens up the possibility of greater use of a multitude of exponential technologies, all resulting in cost savings, increased operational efficiencies, improved risk management, and a technology landscape that is scalable and rapidly deployable. This will ensure you achieve your smart treasury vision for a function that is well placed to support your business going forward.


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In a continued effort to ensure we offer our customers the very best in knowledge and skills, Zanders has acquired Fintegral.


Optimum Prime

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In a continued effort to ensure we offer our customers the very best in knowledge and skills, Zanders has acquired Optimum Prime.

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