Treasury digitalization

Machine Learning & AI

AI and machine learning unlock new potential to generate better and faster treasury decisions and predictions. We prepare you for the risks and reality of introducing AI to your processes.

From using machine learning to improve the cash conversion cycle to using AI to perform data-driven evaluations on credit risk – we work with you to develop a range of model use cases for your treasury.

Data-based decisions

Our technology experts understand the transformative potential of AI to generate decisions and predictions based on deep analytics instead of human biases. We can help you capitalize on this opportunity.

In the future it will become commonplace to task technology with making treasury decisions and predictions. Our priority is to make sure you’re prepared to embrace the potential of AI.

Getting AI-ready

We’ll support you throughout your AI journey. First, we assess your needs and investigate how the technology could add depth and efficiency to your decision-making. Then we work with you to build and implement a roadmap to turn this vision into reality.

The power of AI and machine learning

Automating data analytics

Most businesses and financial institutions don’t have the niche resources internally to develop and deploy data analytics solutions. Zanders’ quantitative modelers and technology experts bring experience of using smart technology to extract practical insight from treasury and financial data.

Applying AI to treasury

Improve your cashflow management by using AI to track the cash conversion cycle. Make accurate and appropriate decisions on borrowing. Our primary purpose is to help you evaluate how AI could help you achieve targeted efficiency outcomes.

Built from robust data management

Instead of looking at single data sources in isolation, we combine data to create a data warehouse. We then use this central repository to deduct patterns or see cross references. This more holistic approach to machine learning creates AI generating more multi-dimensional insight.

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In a continued effort to ensure we offer our customers the very best in knowledge and skills, Zanders has acquired Fintegral.


Optimum Prime

is now part of Zanders

In a continued effort to ensure we offer our customers the very best in knowledge and skills, Zanders has acquired Optimum Prime.

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