Results for ‘ifrs9’

IFRS9 Backtesting

IFRS 9 became mandatory as of January 2018. This means that financial institutions (FI) now have four full years of historical data on IFRS 9 reporting numbers available. One of the key aspects of IFRS 9, and its main difference with the Basel framework, is the requirement to make lifetime…

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Credit Risk Suite

Credit Risk Suite in action

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Exploring IFRS 9 Best Practices: Insights from Leading European Banks

Across the whole of Europe, banks apply different techniques to model their IFRS9 Expected Credit Losses on a best estimate basis. The diverse spectrum of modelling techniques raises the question: what can we learn from each other, such that we all can improve our own IFRS 9 frameworks? For this…

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Six years after the introduction of IFRS 9: Where do we stand? 

We touch upon the main difficulties experienced by financial institutions in the Netherlands based on a combination of project experience, results of a survey, main attention points from the eyes of the regulator and observations from publicly available annual reports. Interested to learn more about the IFRS 9 framework components…

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Roundtable ‘Climate Scenario Design & Stress Testing’ recap

On Thursday 15 June 2023, Zanders hosted a roundtable on ‘Climate Scenario Design & Stress Testing’. In our head office in Utrecht, we welcomed risk managers from several Dutch banks. This article discusses our view on the topic and highlights key insights from the roundtable.  In recent years, many banks…

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Credit risk management

Regulators want to see you have measures in place to mitigate the impact of credit risk on your balance sheet. From (A)IRB to IFRS9, through solid and transparent risk modeling, we help you build capital reserves to insulate you from the risk of credit deterioration.

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A comprehensive guide to Credit Rating Modelling

For all the criticism that rating models and credit rating agencies have had through the years, they are still the most pragmatic and realistic approach for assessing default risk for your counterparties. Of course, the quality of the assessment depends to a large extent on the quality of the model…

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Hedge accounting changes under IFRS 9

Cross-currency interest rate swaps (CC-IRS), options, FX forwards and commodity trades are just a few examples of financial instruments which will be affected by the upcoming changes. The time value, forward points and cross-currency basis spread will receive different accounting treatment under IFRS 9. Within Zanders, we feel the need…

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The forward-looking provisions of IFRS 9

Most banks are struggling to work out how to implement the new impairment rules. Uncertainty over how to deal with current expected credit loss taking into account future macroeconomic scenarios as required by IFRS 9, means credit risk modeling experts, quants and finance experts are in uncharted waters. Different firms…

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An overview of Hedge Accounting

This results in a (temporary) valuation and or timing; mismatch between the hedged item and the hedge instrument. The objective of hedge accounting is to avoid temporary undesired volatility in P&L as a result of these valuation and timing differences. However, entities can practice hedge accounting only if they meet…

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is now part of Zanders

In a continued effort to ensure we offer our customers the very best in knowledge and skills, Zanders has acquired Fintegral.


Optimum Prime

is now part of Zanders

In a continued effort to ensure we offer our customers the very best in knowledge and skills, Zanders has acquired Optimum Prime.

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