ACT Middle East Treasury Summit 2023
Tuesday 24 October 2023
09:00-17:00 GST
Dubai, UAE
Discovering tools in a turbulent economy
The business landscape is going through significant changes, and treasurers are gearing up to address them. ACT Middle East is coming back to Dubai this year, offering treasurers a chance to explore the latest tools that can help them navigate their operations and achieve successful outcomes in a challenging economic environment.
The summit in the Emirates aims to adopt a broader perspective on the treasury industry, where fresh optimizations and alternative strategic approaches pave the way for innovative advancements in performance.
This year, our very own, Sander Van Tol, will take the helm as a moderator, addressing the novel tools and profound transformations defining the contemporary landscape of treasury finance.
For more information, please contact us via or visit the event website.
Booth: 2A